Posted on the official Bikku's Laboratory FaceBook page :
Friends, family and followers,
In protest of the hypocritical poison that is social media, I will not be posting any content for the foreseeable future.
My plan is to reevaluate the updated policies of social media platforms in 2022. Based on my findings, I will decide whether it is worth giving my time, traffic and patronage to social media sites once again.
In the meantime, my website ( ) and my Etsy Shop ( ) will be available with contact information and updated content more frequently. Support me off of social media!
~ Bikku
The above statement refers to all social media sites (any site that is not my own personal website) such as FaceBook, Instagram, Tumblr, Patreon, Twitter, YouTube, etc. This does not mean I will not maintain my media pages (check messages and update important information) but it means I will not post images, text or any form of "POST" related content. My social media pages will remain up and active, if only to point viewers in the direction of this website.
This is in reference to my personal media only and does not apply to my partner painting business, When Paints Collide. (I will maintain my stance against social media and not post but I do not and will not inhibit my business partners right to advertise, post and share content on our media platforms.)
This decision was not caused or apart of any type of political, social, or otherwise group related actions or events. This is solely a personal decision based on my own view of morals and ethics.
Until Next Time, Thanks for Reading.